Rafiq Salih Muhammad Khana

Full Name: Rafiq Salih Muhammad Khana

Title: Lecturer

Position: Lecturer at the University of Garmian, Collage of Engineering

Address: Kalar - Rizgari

Tel. No.: 07714637905 07503665199

E-mail: rafiq.salih@garmian.edu.krd


- PhD (Mathematics – Numerical Analysis)


- Ministry of Education (Date of Employment: 11 \ 10 \ 1993)

- From 11\10\1993c to 6\9\2004 in Secondary Schools.

- From 6\9\2004c to 20\2\2008 in Kalar Central Teachers Institute.

- Decider of Mathematics Department-Kalar Central Teachers Institute(2\10\2006-3\10\2007).

- Head of Mathematics Department-Kalar Central Teachers Institute(4\10\2007-20\2\2008).

- College of Basic Education – Garmian University 21\2\2008- 3/1/2017

- Head of Sport Department- College of Basic Education in Kalar (18\5\2011-23\10\2011).

- Garmian University- Building and construction Engineering Department 3/1/2017 to now


1- ”New scaled sufficient descent CG algorithm for solving unconstrained optimization problems", science publication-Journal of computer science ,vol.(6), No.(5), ,page (511-518), 2010, USA.

2- A new improvement of Shishkin fitted mesh technique on central finite difference method to solve (15) linear singularly perturbed boundary value problem ODE", 2nd scientific conference of Garmian University, 2015.

3- A New Improvement of Shishkin Fitted Mesh Technique on a First Order Finite Difference Method With applications on singularly perturbed boundary value problem ODE, International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279 – 0764) Volume 04 – Issue 03, May 2015.

4- "A new improvement of Shishkin fitted mesh technique on deferred correction method with applications", International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 4 Issue 8, August-2015.


- Kurdish

- Arabic

- English

Most Interested Fields

- Numerical Analysis.

- Numerical Optimization.

- Advance Calculus.

- Matlab and Fortran Programming.

- Computer and IT.

- Statistics


First Stage: Mathematics I

Second Stage: Mathematics II