Nigar Mahmoud Shafiq Surammery

Full Name: Nigar Mahmoud Shafiq Surameery

Title: Lecturer

Position: Lecturer at the University of Garmian, Collage of Engineering

Address: Iraq, Diyala, Khanaqeen, Sirwan

Personal website: Nigar Mahmoud Shafiq


- B.Sc. (2009), University of Koya, Iraq, Software Engineering

- M.Sc. (2012), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Information Technology, Mobile and Game Programming.


- Oct. 2009- Feb. 2011, work as a junior Engineer in Koya University, Collage of Engineering.

- Oct. 2009- Feb. 2011, a member of Group for Administrating the Internet of Koya University.

- Jan. 2013- Jun. 2014, Lecturer at Koya University, Collage of Engineering, Software Engineering Dept.

- Jun. 2014- present, working as a Lecturer at the University of Garmian, Collage of Engineering


-P. Muhammad Ali, N. Surameery, A. Yunis, L. Abdulrahman, “Gender Prediction of Journalists from Writing Style”, ARO, the scientific Journal of Koya University, vol.1, no.1, pp.22-28, Nov. 2013.

-N. Surameery and D. Hussein, “Comparative Study of Classification Techniques For Large Scale Data - Case Study”, Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 56-61, Aug. 2017.


- English : Fluent (USEPT Result: 68 Estimated IELTS= 7, By the University of Sheffield, UK)

- Arabic : Fluent

- Kurdish: Mother Language

Most Interested Fields

- Programming Languages

- Computer security

- Data structures Algorithms

- Mobile programming

- Game programming

- Computer and mobile graphics

- Data Base


First Stage: Computer and Programming

Second Stage: Computer Programming and Numerical Methods