Fkrat Latif Hamid

Full Name: Fkrat Latif Hamid

Title: Assist Lecturer

Position: Lecturer at the University of Garmian, Collage of Engineering

Address: Hawari new -Kifri

Tel. No.:009647735783914

Personal Website: Fkrat L. Hameed


- B.Sc. Civil Engineering – Koya university - Iraq

- M.Sc. Structural Engineering – The university of Sheffield - UK


- Site Engineer – Deanery Building – Erbil Polytechnic University-Erbil (02/07/2011 – 03/11/2011)

- Supervisor Engineer – Koya University – Erbil (03/11/2011 – 15/11/2012)

- Demonstrator – College of Engineering - Koya University – Erbil (15/11/2012 – 15/03/2014)

- Assistant Lecturer – Garmian University – Garmian (01/20/2015 – till now)


- Kurdish

- English

- Arabic

- Turkish

Most Interested Fields

- Strengthening Deficient Concrete elements by using innovative materials

- Protecting structures against blast loads Normal


SecondStage: Mechanics of Material

Third Stage: Theory of Structure