Nadhim Abdulwahid HAMAH SOR

Full Name: Nadhim Abdulwahid HAMAH SOR

Title: Assist Lecturer

Position: Lecturer at the University of Garmian, Collage of Engineering

Address: Emam Muhammad / Kifri / Al Sulaymaniyah

Tel. No.:009647501129548 - 009647702117429

Personal Website: Nadhim Abdulwahid HAMAH SOR


- B.Sc.:(2003 – 2004) Civil Engineering department / Salahaddin University - Erbil

- M.Sc.: (2014 – 2015) Structure – Construction / Civil Engineering department / Gaziantep University - Turkey

Experience(where you have worked)

- 2004 - 2015 Working as a manager and supervisor Engineer of (52) projects (Apartments,

Schools, Kindergartens, Road construction, Water networks, Parks, Sewerage

networks) in the Directory of Construction and Housing in Garmian/ Ministry

of Construction and Housing.

-2015 – Present Working as Assist Lecturerat the University of Garmian, Collage of





§ Kurdish (Mother Tongue)

§ English

§ Arabic

§ Turkish

Most Interested Fields

- Building Construction

- Engineering Mechanics

– Concrete Technology

– Soil Mechanics

- Material Technology


Second Stage: Building Construction

Second Stage: Concrete Technology

Third Stage: Soil Mechanics